surviving breast cancer

In 2006 Elisha was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer & endured a mastectomy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy & radiation followed by reconstruction. This experience profoundly changed Elisha’s life & gave it new purpose & new direction. She has raised significant money for cancer research for The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, which was founded by Evelyn Lauder to support medical research. Elisha’s efforts on behalf of BCRF were so dramatic & immediate that she was asked to serve on BCRF’s National Advisory Board. In 2012 Elisha received the BCRF Humanitarian Award & was also named one of “The Mass 100” an honor bestowed by the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center.
Elisha is committed to generating awareness and supporting other women who battle this disease. In 2009 she co-authored a book with her friend and fellow breast cancer survivor Kelley Tuthill entitled You Can Do This! Surviving Breast Cancer Without Losing Your Sanity Or Your Style, with the forward by her friend Evelyn Lauder. The book has inspired & helped women all over the world.
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